©istock.com/Andrea Obzerova
Interdisciplinary CompetenceMolecular Diagnostics
Know how in the analysis of genetic material.
For the benefit of patients.

IllnessHypophosphatasia, adult, infantile, perinatally lethal


Short information

Curated single gene sequence analysis according to the clinical suspicion Hypophosphatasia, adult, infantile, perinatally lethal

Number of loci
Locus typeCount
Gen 1
Accredited laboratory test
Examined sequence length
1,6 kb (Core-/Core-canditate-Genes)
- (Extended panel: incl. additional genes)
Analysis Duration
on request
Test material
  • EDTA-anticoagulated blood (3-5 ml)
Diagnostic indications






NameExon Length (bp)OMIM-GReferenz-Seq.Heredity
ALPL1575NM_000478.6AD, AR

Informations about the disease

Clinical Comment

Hypophosphatasia (HPP) manifests itself in six different clinical forms of varying degrees of severity. Perinatal lethal HPP is associated with significant hypomineralisation, leading to hypercalcemia and respiratory failure. Prenatal benign HPP is associated with fetal skeletal manifestations. Fetal HPP is characterised by rickets and bone fragility. In adults, HPP is associated with early loss of adult dentition and stress fractures of the lower limbs in middle age. In its mildest form, only non-specific signs such as muscular and skeletal pain or osteoporosis can occur in adults. Finally, OdontoHPP includes premature exfoliation of the milk teeth and/or severe dental caries. The perinatal form is almost always fatal within days or weeks. Respiratory complications lead to high mortality rates in the infantile form. It is not assumed that life expectancy is affected in the infantile and adult form or in OdontoHPP. HPP is caused by mutations in the ALPL gene coding for alkaline phosphatase. Perinatal and severe infantile HPP are typically inherited as autosomal recessive traits. Prenatal benign, moderate infantile, infantile HPP, adult HPP and odontoHPP can be inherited autosomal recessively or autosomal dominantly. The less severe the disease is, the more likely it is to be inherited as dominant. The range of inheritance patterns partly explains the clinical heterogeneity.

Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1150/


  • Alias: Phosphoethanolaminuria
  • Alias: Rathbun disease
  • Hypophosphatasia, adult, childhood, infantile (ALPL)
  • Odontohypophosphatasia (ALPL)
Heredity, heredity patterns etc.
  • AD
  • AR
  • Multiple OMIM-Ps
ICD10 Code

Bioinformatics and clinical interpretation

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