Clinical AreaPerinatal medicine
Associated diseases
- "Prenatal test panel, Sweden"
- (Warburg-)Micro syndrome, differential diagnosis
- 3-Methylglutaconaziduria type 7, differential diagnosis; Caseinolytic peptidase B deficiency
- 46XX - indifferentes Genitale, Differentialdiagnose
- 46XX - testicular disorders of testes development, non-syndromic; differential diagnosis
- 46XY - disorders of testes development, non-syndromic; differential diagnosis
- 46XY - gonadal dysgenesis, differential diagnosis
- Achondrogenesis type IB
- Achondrogenesis type II
- Achondroplasia
- Adams-Oliver syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Adrenogenital syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Ahornsirup-Krankheit, Differentialdiagnose
- Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Akrokallosales Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Alagille syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Alopecia universalis
- Anal atresia/anorectal malformations, differential diagnosis
- Anencephaly + neural tube-defects; differential diagnosis
- Angelman syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Aniridia, differential diagnosis
- Anophthalmia, microphthalmia: differential diagnosis
- Anorektale Fehlbildungen, [nicht-]syndromisch; Differentialdiagnose
- Apert syndrome
- Apnoe, rekurrente episodische; Differentialdiagnose
- Arachnodactyly, congenital contractural; differential diagnosis
- Aromatase deficiency
- Arterienverkalkung im Kindesalter [generalisierte], Differentialdiagnose
- Arthrogrypose, Differentialdiagnose
- Arthrogrypose, distal; Differentialdiagnose
- Arthrogrypose, neuromuskulär; Differentialdiagnose
- Arthrogryposis, renal dysfunction + cholestasis
- Arthrogryposis, syndromal; differential diagnosis
- Atelosteogenesis I-III, differential diagnosis
- Au-Kline syndrome; differential diagnosis
- Baraitser-Winter-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Bardet-Biedl syndrome, differential diagnosis I
- Bardet-Biedl syndrome, differential diagnosis II [expanded supplementary panel]
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, congenital overgrowth; differential diagnosis
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy, differential diagnosis
- Biotinidase deficiency, differential diagnosis
- Blepharophimosis-Ptosis-Epicanthus inversus syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Bohring-Opitz syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Brachydaktylie, Differentialdiagnose
- Campomelic dysplasia, differential diagnosis
- Camurati-Engelmann disease, differential diagnosis
- Carnitine-Palmitoyl-Transferase IA Deficiency, differential diagnosis
- Cataract with other eye anomalies, differential diagnosis
- Ceroid-Lipofuszinosen, neuronale; Differentialdiagnose
- CHARGE syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Choanalatresie, Differentialdiagnose
- Cholestasis, congenital + adult; differential diagnosis
- Chondrodysplasia punctata, differential diagnosis
- Chromosomen-Aberration, pränatal
- Cockayne syndrome
- Coffin-Siris syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Congenital disorders of glycosylation, CDG; differential diagnosis
- Contracture syndrome, lethal congenital; differential diagnosis
- Cornelia-de Lange syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Cortex malformations, differential diagnosis
- Costello syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Cowden syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Crouzon syndrome
- Currarino triad
- Cystic fibrosis - full sequence
- Cystische Fibrose, Differentialdiagnose
- Cystische Fibrose, häufigste Mutationen
- Dermopathie, restriktive; Differentialdiagnose
- Diabetes mellitus, neonatal with congenital hypothyreosis
- Dyskeratosis congenita, differential diagnosis
- Ellis-van-Creveld-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, differential diagnosis
- Enlarged Parietal Foramina, differential diagnosis
- Epilepsies, metabolic; differentialdiagnosis
- Esophagus atresia/tracheo-esophageal fistulas, differential diagnosis
- Fallot-Tetralogie, Differentialdiagnose
- Farber lipogranulomatosis
- Feingold-Syndrom 1
- Fettsäure-Oxidationsstörungen, Differentialdiagnose
- Floating-Harbor syndrome, differential dignosis
- Fraser syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Frontonasal dysplasia + Opitz GBBB syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Gastroenterologic neuromuscular disorders, differential diagnosis
- Genitopatellar syndrome/SBBYS syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Glucosuria, renal
- Glutaraciduria type I; differential diagnosis
- Greig cephalopolysyndactyly, differential diagnosis
- Hand-foot-uterus syndrome; differential diagnosis
- Hartsfield-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Heterotaxy - Situs inversus, differential diagnosis
- Hirnfehlbildungen, kongenital; Differentialdiagnose
- Hodenhochstand, Differentialdiagnose
- Holoprosencephalc, microform; differential diagnosis
- Holoprosencephaly, differential diagnosis
- Holt-Oram syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Homocystinuria, classic; differential diagnosis
- HT amedes infant gene care
- Huppke-Brendel syndrome; differential diagnosis
- Hydrocephalus, X linked; differential diagnosis
- Hydrolethalus syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Hyperglyzinämie, nicht-ketotische; Differentialdiagnose
- Hyperkalzämie, infantile; Differentialdiagnose
- Hypertrichosis, konnatal; Differentialdiagnose
- Hypochondroplasia
- Hypoglykämie, familiärer Hyperinsulinismus; Differentialdiagnose
- Hypophysenhormon-Defizienz, kombinierte; Differentialdiagnose
- Hypoplastisches Linksherz-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Hypothyroidism, congenital; differential diagnosis
- Hypotones Kind, Differentialdiagnose
- Hypotonie-Cystinurie-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Ichthyosis + related dyskeratinoses, differential diagnosis
- Ichthyosis, congenital, recessive; differential diagnosis
- IMAGe-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Intellectual deficit + macrocephaly, differential diagnosis
- Intellectual deficit + microcephaly, differential diagnosis
- IPEX syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia, IRIDA; differential diagnosis
- Isolated Sulfite Oxidase Deficiency; differential diagnosis
- Jackson-Weiss syndrome
- Jeune syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Katarakt, kongenital; Differentialdiagnose
- Ketogenesis disorders, differential diagnosis
- Kleinhirn-Hypoplasie, erweiterte Differentialdiagnose
- Kleinwuchs im Kindesalter, Differentialdiagnose
- Kleinwuchs, frühe Kindheit; Differentialdiagnose
- Kleinwuchs, idiopathisch, familiär; SHOX-Gen
- Kleinwuchs, idiopatisch; SHOX-Gen
- Klumpfuß, Differentialdiagnose
- Knorpel-Haar-Hypoplasie-/anauxetische Dysplasie-Spektrum, Differentialdiagnose
- Krankheiten im Kindesalter, genetisch bedingt; Differentialdiagnose
- L1-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Larsen-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Lebersche kongenitale Amaurose/Abiotrophie, Differentialdiagnose
- Leigh syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Léri-Weill-Syndrom
- Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
- Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-[Gesichts-]Spalten, Differentialdiagnose
- Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-[Gesichts-]Spalten, nicht-syndromal; Differentialdiagnose
- Lissenzephalie, Differentialdiagnose
- Lymph edema, congenital hereditary; differential diagnosis
- Macrosomia, congenital; differential diagnosis
- Mainzer-Saldino syndrome
- Mannosidase deficiency
- Mannosidase deficiency; differential diagnosis
- Martsolf syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Meacham syndrome
- Meckel[-Gruber] syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Megacystis, LUTO; differential diagnosis
- Megacystis, MMIHS; differential diagnostics
- Meier-Gorlin-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Menke-Hennekam-Syndrom 1; Rubinstein-Taybi-Syndrom 1
- Menke-Hennekam-Syndrom 2; Rubinstein-Taybi-Syndrom 2
- Mentale Retardierung bei Megalenzephalie, Differentialdiagnose
- Microcephaly (patients with Seckel symptoms)
- Microcephaly [patients without Seckel symptoms], differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly + polymicrogyria, differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly + pontocerebellar hypoplasia, differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly + pseudo TORCH, differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly-Capillary Malformation Syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly, isolated, primary/secondary; differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly, predominantly secondary, syndromal; differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly, prenatal + postnatal; differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly, primary/secondary + growth retardation; differential diagnosis
- Microcephaly, short stature, polymicrogyria with / without seizures
- Microphthalmia with Linear Skin Defects Syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Mikrozephalie mit "double cortex"/subcortikaler Bandheterotypie, Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit Dysgyrie, Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit Holoprosenzephalie-Spektrum [incl. septooptischer Dysplasie]; Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit Hydranenzephalie, Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit Kleinhirn-Hypoplasie, Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit Lissenzephalie [dicker Kortex], Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit Lissenzephalie + Kleinhirn-Hypoplasie, Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit Lissenzephalie, dünner Kortex
- Mikrozephalie mit mandibulofazialer Dysostose, Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit Muskelschwäche, Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie mit periventrikulären nodulären Heterotopien, Differentialdiagnose
- Mikrozephalie, Differentialdiagnose
- Möbius-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Morbus Caffey, differential diagnosis
- Morbus Gaucher, DD congenital ichthyosis, AR
- Morbus Gaucher, DD hydrops fetalis
- Morbus Gaucher, differential diagnosis
- MPPH-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Mukopolysaccharidosen, Differentialdiagnose II
- Multipler Acyl-CoA-Dehydrogenase-Mangel, neonatal; Differentialdiagnose
- Multiples-Pterygium-Syndrom, lethal; Differentialdiagnose
- Muscle-eye-brain disease, differential diagnosis
- Muscular dystrophy Duchenne/Becker
- Muskeldystrophie, kongenital; erweiterte Differentialdiagnose
- Mutation confirmation diagnostics for metabolic disorders after newborn screening
- Myopathie, kongenital; erweiterte Differentialdiagnose
- Myopathy, congenital; differential diagnosis
- Myopathy, tubular aggregated; differential diagnosis
- Myotonia congenita
- Myotonia congenita, Differentialdiagnose
- Nail-patella syndrome
- Neutropenie, kongenital; Differentialdiagnose
- Nicolaides-Baraitser syndrome + Coffin-Siris syndrome; differential diagnosis
- Noonan syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Omphalozele, Bauchwanddefekt; Differentialdiagnose
- Opitz G/BBB syndroms, differential diagnosis
- Oro-facio-digital syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Osteochondritis dissecans, differential diagnosis
- Osteochondromas, multiple; differential diagnosis
- Osteogenesis imperfecta, differential diagnosis
- Osteopathia striata - cranial sclerosis, differential diagnosis
- Osteopetrosis, differential diagnosis
- Paramyotonia congenita
- Pena-Shokeir-Syndrom I, Differentialdiagnose
- Perlman syndrome
- Peroxisomen-Biogenese-Störungen, großes panel; Differentialdiagnose
- Phenylketonuria, differential diagnosis
- Pierre-Robin sequence, differential diagnosis
- Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Podozytopathien, nicht-syndromal; Differentialdiagnose
- Podozytopathien, syndromal; Differentialdiagnose
- Prä-/postnatale pontozerebelläre Hypoplasie, Differentialdiagnose
- Prader-Willi syndrome / Angelman syndrome
- Pränatal auffällige Nieren/Urogenitalsystem, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatal auffälliger Balken, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatal auffälliges Herz, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatale Akinesie/Hypokinesie, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatale Anophthalmie/Mikrophthalmie, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatale Dandy-Walker-Malformation, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatale DSD, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatale Holoprosenzephalie, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatale Lissenzephalie, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatale VATER/VACTERL-Assoziation, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatale Wachstumsverzögerung, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränataler Hydrozephalus, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatales Joubert-Syndromspektrum, Differentialdiagnose
- Pränatales Noonan-Syndromspektrum, Differentialdiagnose
- Propionic acidaemia
- Psoriasis, generalisierte pustulöse; Differentialdiagnose
- Pyruvatdehydrogenase deficiency, differential diagnosis
- Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency, differential diagnosis
- Roberts-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Robinow-Syndrom, AD/XLR; Differentialdiagnose
- Schizencephaly
- Short bowel syndrome, congenital
- Short-rib thoracic dysplasia. differential diagnosis
- Silver-Russell syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Skeletal dysplasia, differential diagnosis
- Skelettdysplasie, rezessiv; Differentialdiagnose
- Small stature, differential diagnosis
- Sotos-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
- Spiegelbewegungen, familiäre kongenitale; Differentialdiagnose
- Spinale Muskelatrophie Typ 0, I, II, III, IV; Differentialdiagnose
- Spinale Muskelatrophie; SMN1-/SMN2-Gene
- Spondylocarpotarsale Synostose, Differentialdiagnose
- Thalassaemia alpha
- Thalassaemia beta
- Thalassemia alpha + thalassemia beta
- Thanatophoric dysplasia I/II
- Thanatophoric dysplasia, differential diagnosis
- Thorax-Dystrophien, Differentialdiagnose
- Thrombozytopenia-Absent radius syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Tibial muscular dystrophy, differential diagnosis
- Tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Vici syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Williams-Beuren syndrome, differential diagnosis
- WT1 disorder; DD congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- WT1 disorder; DD disorders of testis development + DSD
Notes on the clinical area
Here you will find the disease-related gene panels available for the clinical area specified above.
If you cannot find the disease you are looking for, please use a known synonym in the search (also in English).
Perinatal medicine
In addition to prenatal ultrasound, genetic examinations have become increasingly important in the care for pregnant women. Nowadays, a very large proportion of prenatal issues are successfully treated using non-invasive methods (see recommendations of DEGUM and the FMF-Germany).
First trimester screening
First-trimester screening consists of a combination of ultrasonographic procedures (measurement of nuchal translucency and other fetal parameters) and biochemical tests (free ß-hCG and PAPP-A). The ratio of these parameters to each other can be used to calculate a risk measure for the most common trisomies and heart defects.
Non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPT) offer a very high degree of certainty in trisomy diagnostics for chromosomes 21, 13 and 18 as well as for the sex chromosome status. DNA fragments from placenta cells are analysed and assigned to the respective original fetal chromosomes. In this way it is possible to obtain a reliable documentation of possible chromosomal disorders of the embryo within 24 hours. The accuracy of NIPT can be limited in rare cases by genetic differences between embryoblast and trophoblast as well as by chromosomal mosaics, vanishing twin etc. Therefore, a conspicuous NIPT finding must always be confirmed by invasive diagnostics.
Invasive procedures
The invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures for clarifying genetic questions still represent a gold standard. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling are the methods of choice here. Cytogenetic and molecular genetic questions can be answered diagnostically from the cells obtained (after propagation by cultivation). Depending on the ultrasound findings, the latest DNA analysis techniques such as gene panels are also used. Here, deviations from the reference genome (wild type) are to be detected in order to differentiate between neutral variants and pathogenic mutations, which are important for the physiological development and undisturbed function of all normal cells. The inheritance patterns of prenatally diagnosable diseases represent the basis of genetic counselling for expectant parents. In the last 30 years, thousands of genes have been characterised which cause such diseases or contribute to their development. For example, mutations in independent genes on different chromosomes can cause clinically indistinguishable symptom patterns ("locus heterogeneity"). On the other hand, different mutations in one and the same gene lead to clinically apparently separated disease entities ("allelic heterogeneity").
Formal genetics and etiology
Formal genetically and etiologically, the following groups of prenatal diseases can be distinguished:
- monogenic diseases (autosomal or X-chromosomal inheritance)
- digenic hereditary diseases, which are only manifested when mutations are simultaneously present in heterozygous state in two different genes. Physiologically the two normal gene products together form functional heterodimers. Digenic inheritance affects ~3% of hereditary diseases in addition to the classic autosomal and X-linked disorders.
- mitochondrial diseases (maternal or autosomal inheritance)
- multifactorial diseases (interaction of several to many genes plus environmental factors)
Gene panels
The following gene panels are offered; according to the candidate genes to be provided, they vary in scope and are sometimes very large:
- Microcephaly, prenatal and/or postnatal (without additional information)
- Prenatally abnormal limbs
- Prenatally conspicuous nuchal translucency
- Prenatally abnormal kidney/urinary system
- Prenatally conspicuous corpus callosum
- Prenatally abnormal fetus - rare syndrome?
- Prenatally conspicuous heart
- Prenatally conspicuous skeleton
- Prenatal akinesia/hypokinesia
- Prenatal anophthalmia/microphthalmia
- Prenatal DSD (prenatal disorders of sex determination/differentiation)
- Prenatal holoprosencephaly
- Prenatal lissencephaly
- Prenatal pontocerebellar hypoplasia
- Prenatal VATER/VACTERL Association
- Prenatal growth retardation
- Prenatal hydrocephalus
- Prenatal Dandy-Walker syndrome
- Prenatal Joubert syndrome spectrum
- Prenatal Noonan syndrome spectrum