Clinical AreaChirurgie
Associated diseases
- [Pleuro-]pulmonales Blastom
- Anorektale Fehlbildungen, [nicht-]syndromisch; Differentialdiagnose
- Aortectasia, thoracic; differential diagnosis
- Aortenerweiterung, thorakale [EBM 11448]
- Breast cancer / therapy with PARP inhibitors
- Brust- und Eierstockkrebs, hereditär (HBOC)
- Choanalatresie, Differentialdiagnose
- Colon cancer, hereditary non-polyposis; differential diagnosis
- Colon carcinoma, POLD1-related
- Colorectal cancers, hereditary; differential diagnosis
- Cowden syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Currarino triad
- Cystische Fibrose, Differentialdiagnose
- Diaphragmatic hernias, congenital, differential diagnosis
- Ductal plate malformations, differential diagnosis
- Entzündliche Darmerkrankungen + infantile Enterokolitis, monogen; DD
- Frontonasal dysplasia + Opitz GBBB syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Gastrointestinale Tumore, monogen; Differentialdiagnose
- Gynaecological tumors based on familial predisposition for inherited cancers
- Head and neck cancer, susceptibility
- Hörverlust bei (Ohr-)Fehlbildungen, Differentialdiagnose
- Jeune syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Kidney cysts, medullary, type 1+2
- Kolonkarzinom, "POLE related"
- Li-Fraumeni syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Lungenkarzinom, Adeno-Ca; Suszeptibilität + Protektion
- Lungenkarzinom, SCLC; Suszeptibilität + Protektion
- Magenkarzinom, hereditär diffus, teils multifaktoriell bedingt; Differentialdiagnose
- Medullär-zystische Nierenerkrankung [ADTKD]; Differentialdiagnose
- Morbus Crohn, genetic predisposition
- Morbus Hirschsprung, familial; differential diagnosis
- Morbus Hirschsprung, syndromisch; Differentialdiagnose
- Multiple endocrine neoplasia, MEN; differential diagnosis
- Multiple endokrine Tumore, Differentialdiagnose
- Neurofibromatose, NF1; Differentialdiagnose
- Omphalozele, Bauchwanddefekt; Differentialdiagnose
- Ösophagus-Plattenepithel-Karzinom [Suszeptibilität]
- Pädiatrische Tumor-Prädisposition, hereditär
- Pankreas-Karzinom
- Pankreas-Karzinom - PARP-Inhibitor-Therapie
- Pankreas-Karzinom [Suszeptibilitäts-Loci]
- Paraganglioma / pheochromocytoma, differential diagnosis
- Paraganglioma 1 / phaeochromocytoma
- Paraganglioma 3 / phaeochromocytoma
- Paraganglioma 4 / phaeochromocytoma
- Parathyroid cancer, differential diagnosis
- Pendred syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Peritoneal carcinoma / PARP inhibitor therapy
- Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
- Poly-/Syndaktylie, prä- + postaxial; Differentialdiagnose
- Polycystic kidney disease, ARPKD; differential diagnosis
- Polycystic liver disease, differential diagnosis
- Polyposis coli, Differentialdiagnose
- Polyposis syndrome, juvenile
- Polyposis syndrome, serrated; differential diagnosis
- Polyposis, APC-assoiated, differential diagnosis
- Polyposis, familial adenomatous 3
- Polyposis, familial adenomatous 4
- Polyposis, familial adenomatous; FAP
- Rhabdoid tumor predisposition
- Rhabdomyosarkom, familiär; Differentialdiagnose
- Schilddrüsen-Karzinom, familiäres, nicht-medulläres; Differentialdiagnose
- Schilddrüsen-Karzinom, hereditäres medulläres; Differentialdiagnose
- Schilddrüsen-Karzinom, hereditäres; Differentialdiagnose
- Short bowel syndrome, congenital
- Siegelringzell-Karzinom, Magen; Differentialdiagnose
- Stomach cancer, predisposition
- Tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome, differential diagnosis
- Tumor progression (CNI-monitor for therapy control)
- von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
- Wilms-Tumor [incl. Suszeptibilität], Differentialdiagnose
- WT1 disorder; DD congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Zystennieren, ADPKD; Differentialdiagnose
- Zystennieren, familiäre; Differentialdiagnose
Notes on the clinical area
Here you will find the disease-related gene panels available for the clinical area specified above.
If you cannot find the disease you are looking for, please use a known synonym in the search (also in English).