IllnessStroke, differential diagnosis
A panel containing 15 guideline-curated and altogether 49 curated genes for the comprehensive analysis of the genetic susceptibility for stroke
Locus type | Count |
Gen | 15 |
53,3 kb (Extended panel: incl. additional genes)
- EDTA-anticoagulated blood (3-5 ml)
Name | Exon Length (bp) | OMIM-G | Referenz-Seq. | Heredity |
ACTA2 | 1134 | NM_001613.4 | AD | |
APP | 2313 | NM_000484.4 | AD | |
COL3A1 | 4401 | NM_000090.4 | AD | |
COL4A1 | 5010 | NM_001845.6 | AD, Mult | |
FBN1 | 8616 | NM_000138.5 | AD | |
FOXF2 | 1335 | NM_001452.2 | AD, Mult | |
GLA | 1290 | NM_000169.3 | XL | |
HBB | 444 | NM_000518.5 | AR, Mult | |
HDAC9 | 1767 | NM_001204144.3 | Mult | |
HTRA1 | 1443 | NM_002775.5 | AD, AR | |
NOTCH3 | 6966 | NM_000435.3 | AD | |
PITX2 | 816 | NM_153427.2 | n.k. | |
ZFHX3 | 8370 | NM_001164766.2 | SMu | |
DNASE1 | 849 | NM_005223.4 | Sus | |
NF1 | 8457 | NM_001042492.3 | AD |
Informations about the disease
Stroke is a vascular disease of the brain with the common feature of acute brain tissue damage due to vascular occlusion or cerebral haemorrhage. TIA (transitory ischaemic attack) is a circumscribed neurological dysfunction that is completely reversible within one day. Ischaemic strokes are common (80%), primary brain and subarachnoid haemorrhages are rare (11% and 3%). Cardioembolic and microangiopathic (lacunar) strokes each account for around a quarter of all ischaemias, stenoses of vessels supplying the brain for 10%. 30-35% of strokes are cryptogenic. Stroke is the second most common cause of death in D and all other countries and often leads to disability.
- Alias: Ischämischer Hirninfarkt
- Allelic: Acrodysostosis 2, with/-out hormone resistance (PDE4D)
- Allelic: Acromicric dysplasia (FBN1)
- Allelic: Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome 1, AD + AR (TREX1)
- Allelic: Alzheimer disease 1, familial (APP)
- Allelic: Alzheimer disease, late-onset, susceptibility to (NOS3)
- Allelic: Angiotensin I-converting enzyme, benign serum increase (ACE)
- Allelic: Anterior segment dysgenesis 3, multiple subtypes (FOXC1)
- Allelic: Anterior segment dysgenesis 4 (PITX2)
- Allelic: Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, type 1 (PITX2)
- Allelic: Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, type 3 (FOXC1)
- Allelic: Basal laminar drusen (CFH)
- Allelic: Blood group, ABO system (ABO)
- Allelic: Celiac disease, susceptibility to, 3 (CTLA4)
- Allelic: Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, Dutch, Italian, Iowa, Flemish, Arctic variants (APP)
- Allelic: Chilblain lupus (TREX1)
- Allelic: Coronary artery spasm 1, susceptibility to (NOS3)
- Allelic: Diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent, 12 (CTLA4)
- Allelic: Diabetes, type 1, susceptibility to (PTPN22)
- Allelic: Ectopia lentis, familial (FBN1)
- Allelic: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, vascular type (COL3A1)
- Allelic: Geleophysic dysplasia 2 (FBN1)
- Allelic: Hashimoto thyroiditis (CTLA4)
- Allelic: Hemolytic uremic syndrome, atypical, susceptibility to, 1 (CFH)
- Allelic: Immune dysregulation with autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, and lymphoproliferation (CTLA4)
- Allelic: Lateral meningocele syndrome (NOTCH3)
- Allelic: Leukemia, acute myeloid, somatic (JAK2)
- Allelic: Leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic (NF1)
- Allelic: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (TSC1)
- Allelic: MASS syndrome (FBN1)
- Allelic: Macular degeneration, age-related, 4 (CFH)
- Allelic: Macular degeneration, age-related, 7 (HTRA1)
- Allelic: Macular degeneration, age-related, neovascular type (HTRA1)
- Allelic: Malaria, resistance to (FCGR2B)
- Allelic: Malaria, severe, susceptibility to (FCGR2A)
- Allelic: Marfan lipodystrophy syndrome (FBN1)
- Allelic: Microvascular complications of diabetes 3 (ACE)
- Allelic: Multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome (ACTA2)
- Allelic: Myelofibrosis, somatic (JAK2)
- Allelic: Myocardial infarction, susceptibility to (ACE)
- Allelic: Myofibromatosis, infantile 2 (NOTCH3)
- Allelic: Neurofibromatosis, type 1 (NF1)
- Allelic: Placental abruption (NOS3)
- Allelic: Pregnancy loss, recurrent, susceptibility to, 1 (F5)
- Allelic: Pregnancy loss, recurrent, susceptibility to, 2 (F2)
- Allelic: Prostate cancer, somatic (ZFHX3)
- Allelic: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, susceptibility to chronic infection, cystic fibrosis (FCGR2A)
- Allelic: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (ABCC6)
- Allelic: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum, forme fruste (ABCC6)
- Allelic: Renal tubular dysgenesis (ACE)
- Allelic: Retinal arteries, tortuosity of (COL4A1)
- Allelic: Rheumatoid arthritis, susceptibility to (PTPN22)
- Allelic: Ring dermoid of cornea (PITX2)
- Allelic: SARS, progression of (ACE)
- Allelic: Stiff skin syndrome (FBN1)
- Allelic: Systemic lupus erythematosus, susceptibility to (TREX1)
- Allelic: Weill-Marchesani syndrome 2, AD (FBN1)
- Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome 5 (SAMHD1)
- Angiopathy, hereditary, with nephropathy, aneurysms, muscle cramps (COL4A1)
- Aortic aneurysm, familial thoracic 6 (ACTA2)
- Arterial calcification, generalized, of infancy, 2 (ABCC6)
- Arterial tortuosity syndrome (SLC2A10)
- Blood group, ABO system (ABO)
- Brain small vessel disease 2 (COL4A2)
- Brain small vessel disease with/-out ocular anomalies (COL4A1)
- Budd-Chiari syndrome (F5)
- Budd-Chiari syndrome, somatic (JAK2)
- CARASIL syndrome (HTRA1)
- Capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation 1 (RASA1)
- Cavernous malformations of CNS + retina (KRIT1)
- Cerebral arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts + leukoencephalopathy 1 (NOTCH3)
- Cerebral arteriopathy, AD, with subcortical infarcts + leukoencephalopathy, type 2 (HTRA1)
- Cerebral cavernous malformations 3 (PDCD10)
- Cerebral cavernous malformations-1 (KRIT1)
- Cerebral cavernous malformations-2 (CCM2)
- Cerebral infarction, susceptibility to (PRKCH)
- Complement factor H deficiency (CFH)
- Dysprothrombinemia (F2)
- Erythrocytosis, somatic (JAK2)
- Fabry disease (GLA)
- Fabry disease, cardiac variant (GLA)
- Factor V deficiency (F5)
- Galactosialidosis (CTSA)
- Grange [arterial occlusive] syndrome (YY1AP1)
- Hemophilia A (F8)
- Hemorrhage, intracerebral, susceptibility to (COL4A1)
- Hemorrhage, intracerebral, susceptibility to (COL4A2)
- Hyperkeratotic cutaneous capillary-venous malformations ass. with cerebral capill. malform. (KRIT1)
- Hypertension, pregnancy-induced (NOS3)
- Hypertension, susceptibility to (NOS3)
- Hypoprothrombinemia (F2)
- Ischemic stroke, susceptibility to (NOS3)
- Juvenile polyposis/hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome (SMAD4)
- Lupus nephritis, susceptibility to (FCGR2A)
- Marfan syndrome (FBN1)
- Microangiopathy + leukoencephalopathy, pontine, AD (COL4A1)
- Moyamoya 6 with achalasia (GUCY1A3)
- Moyamoya disease 2, susceptibility to (RNF213)
- Moyamoya disease 5 (ACTA2)
- Neurofibromatosis, familial spinal (NF1)
- Neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndrome (NF1)
- Polycythemia vera, somatic (JAK2)
- Polymicrogyria with/-out vascular-type EDS (COL3A1)
- Protein Z deficiency (PROZ)
- Sickle cell anemia (HBB)
- Small vessel stroke [panelapp] (FOXF2)
- Stroke, hemorrhagic (ACE)
- Stroke, ischemic, susceptibility to (F2)
- Stroke, ischemic, susceptibility to (F5)
- Stroke, susceptibility to (ALOX5AP)
- Systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility to (PTPN22)
- Systemic lupus erythematosus, susceptibility to (CTLA4)
- Systemic lupus erythematosus, susceptibility to (DNASE1)
- Systemic lupus erythematosus, susceptibility to (FCGR2B)
- Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic, type 1 (ENG)
- Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic, type 2 (ACVRL1)
- Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic, type 5 (GDF2)
- Thrombocythemia 3 (JAK2)
- Thrombophilia due to activated protein C resistance (F5)
- Thrombophilia due to thrombin defect (F2)
- Thrombophilia, susceptibility to, due to factor V Leiden (F5)
- Tuberous sclerosis-1 (TSC1)
- Tuberous sclerosis-2 (TSC2)
- Vasculopathy, retinal, with cerebral leukodystrophy (TREX1)
- Watson syndrome (NF1)
- AD
- AR
- Mult
- SMu
- Sus
- XL
- n.k.
- Multiple OMIM-Ps
Bioinformatics and clinical interpretation
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