IllnessCHARGE syndrome, differential diagnosis
A guideline-curated gene sequence analysis plus 22 additional gene analyses according to the clinical suspicion CHARGE syndrome
Loci type | Count |
Gen | 22 |
72,4 kb (Extended panel: incl. additional genes)
- EDTA-anticoagulated blood (3-5 ml)
Loci panel
Name | Exon Length (bp) | OMIM-G | Referenz-Seq. | Heredity |
CHD7 | 8994 | NM_017780.4 | AD | |
BMP4 | 1227 | NM_001202.6 | AD, AR | |
EFTUD2 | 2919 | NM_004247.4 | AD | |
EYA1 | 1779 | NM_000503.6 | AD | |
FGFR1 | 2469 | NM_023110.3 | AD | |
GLI2 | 4761 | NM_005270.5 | AD | |
GLI3 | 4743 | NM_000168.6 | AD | |
JAG1 | 3657 | NM_000214.3 | AD | |
KDM6A | 4206 | NM_021140.4 | XL | |
KMT2D | 16614 | NM_003482.4 | AD | |
MYCN | 1395 | NM_005378.6 | AD | |
OTX2 | 870 | NM_172337.3 | AD | |
PAX2 | 1254 | NM_003987.5 | AD | |
POLR1C | 1041 | NM_203290.4 | AR | |
POLR1D | 402 | NM_015972.4 | AD, AR | |
SEMA3E | 2328 | NM_012431.3 | AR | |
SIX1 | 855 | NM_005982.4 | AD | |
SIX5 | 2220 | NM_175875.5 | AD | |
SOX2 | 954 | NM_003106.4 | AD | |
TBX22 | 1563 | NM_001109878.2 | XL | |
TCOF1 | 4467 | NM_001135243.2 | AD | |
ZEB2 | 3645 | NM_014795.4 | AD |
Informations about the disease
Full-blown CHARGE syndrome includes coloboma, heart defects, atresia choanae, delayed growth, genital and ear abnormalities. The pattern of malformations varies among affected individuals, and the multiple health problems can be life-threatening in infancy. Most CHARGE patients present with colobomas, sometimes along with microphthalmia. Often one or both choanae are blocked, and cranial nerve function is impaired with dysphagia, facial paralysis, hyposmia/anosmia, mild to profound hearing loss also due to middle and inner ear abnormalities. The auricles may be abnormally shaped. Other features include heart defects, slow growth in late infancy, delayed development of motor skills, cleft lip and/or palate, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, and tracheoesophageal fistulas. Most individuals with CHARGE syndrome also have prominent facial features including facial asymmetry. Affected individuals show a wide range of cognitive functioning, from normal intelligence to severe learning disabilities with absent speech as well as impaired communication. Less common features include kidney abnormalities, immune system problems, scoliosis/kyphosis and limb deformities. Inheritance is autosomal dominant, with many patients harboring spontaneous mutations. When the diagnostic criteria are strictly applied, 90% of affected individuals show pathogenic CHD7 mutations, although from a clinical point of view CHARGE syndrome is often merely to be ruled out, so that the molecular genetic yield is then more like 35%: 98% DNA sequence variations are matched by only 2% duplications/deletions. Atypical phenotypes additionally complicate definitive statements on molecular genetic diagnostic yield.
- DD syndromes: Kallmann s., Kabuki s., VACTERL, Renal coloboma s., Cat-eye s., Joubert s., BOR s.
- Sympt.: Coloboma, Heart anomaly, choanal Atresia, Retardation, Genital + Ear anomalies, CHARGE
- Alias: CHARGE association
- Alias: Hall-Hittner syndrome
- Allelic: Anterior segment anomalies with/-out cataract (EYA1)
- Allelic: Deafness, AD 23 (SIX1)
- Allelic: Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis, somatic mosaic (FGFR1)
- Allelic: Glomerulosclerosis, focal segmental, 7 (PAX2)
- Allelic: Hajdu-Cheney syndrome (NO`TCH2)
- Allelic: Holoprosencephaly 9 (GLI2)
- Allelic: Leukodystrophy, hypomyelinating, 11 (POLR1C)
- Allelic: Microphthalmia, syndromic 5 (OTX2)
- Allelic: Osteoglophonic dysplasia (FGFR1)
- Allelic: Polydactyly, postaxial, types A1 + B (GLI3)
- Allelic: Polydactyly, preaxial, type IV (GLI3)
- Allelic:Trigonocephaly (FGFR1)
- Abruzzo-Erickson [CHARGE-like, XL] syndrome (TBX22)
- Alagille syndrome 1 (JAG1)
- Alagille syndrome 2 (NOTCH2)
- Branchiootic syndrome 1 (EYA1)
- Branchiootic syndrome 3 (SIX1)
- Branchiootorenal syndrome 1, with/-out cataracts (EYA1)
- Branchiootorenal syndrome 2 (SIX5)
- Cleft palate with ankyloglossia (TBX22)
- Culler-Jones syndrome [Hypopituitarism, growth hormone deficiency, +/- postaxial polydactyly] (GLI2)
- Deafness, congenital heart defects + posterior embryotoxon (JAG1)
- Feingold syndr. 1 [microceph., limb malform., esophagus + duodenal atresia, learn disab./MR] (MYCN)
- Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome (GLI3)
- Hartsfield syndrome [holoprosencephaly, ectrodactyly, cleft/lip palate] (FGFR1)
- Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2 with/-out anosmia (FGFR1)
- Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 5 with/-out anosmia (CHD7)
- Jackson-Weiss syndrome (FGFR1)
- Kabuki syndrome 1 (KMT2D)
- Kabuki syndrome 2 (KDM6A)
- Leukoencephalopathy with dystonia + motor neuropathy (SEMA3E)
- Mandibulofacial dysostosis, Guion-Almeida type (EFTUD2)
- Microphthalmia, syndromic 3 (SOX2)
- Microphthalmia, syndromic 6 (BMP4)
- Mowat-Wilson syndrome [complex developmental disorder] (ZEB2)
- Optic nerve hypoplasia + abnormalities of the central nervous system (SOX2)
- Orofacial cleft 11 (BMP4)
- Otofaciocervical syndrome (EYA1)
- Pallister-Hall s. [Hypothal. hamart., pituit. dysfunct, cent. polydactyly, visc. malform.] (GLI3)
- Papillorenal syndrome (PAX2)
- Pfeiffer syndrome (FGFR1)
- Pituitary hormone deficiency, combined, 6 (OTX2)
- Retinal dystrophy, early-onset, with/-out pituitary dysfunction (OTX2)
- Tetralogy of Fallot (JAG1)
- Treacher Collins syndrome 1 (TCOF1)
- Treacher Collins syndrome 2 (POLR1D)
- Treacher Collins syndrome 3 (POLR1C)
- AD
- AR
- XL
- Multiple OMIM-Ps
Bioinformatics and clinical interpretation
- DAkkS-akkreditiertes Labor
- EU-Richtlinie für IVD in Umsetzung
- Qualitäts-kontrolliert arbeitendes Personal
- Leistungsstarke Sequenzierungstechnologien, fortschrittliche Target-Anreicherungsmethoden und Präzisions-Bioinformatik-Pipelines sorgen für überragende analytische Leistung
- Sorgfältige Kuratierung klinisch relevanter und wissenschaftlich begründeter Gen-Panels
- eine Vielzahl nicht Protein-kodierender Varianten, die in unseren klinischen NGS-Tests mit erfasst werden
- unser strenges Variantenklassifizierungsschema nach ACMG-Kriterien
- unser systematischer klinischer Interpretations-Workflow mit proprietärer Software ermöglicht die genaue und nachvollziehbare Verarbeitung von NGS-Daten
- unsere umfassenden klinischen Aussagen
- Gene mit eingeschränkter Abdeckung werden gekennzeichnet
- Gene mit kompletten oder partiellen Duplikationen werden gekennzeichnet
- es wird angenommen, dass ein Gen suboptimal abgedeckt ist, wenn >90% der Nukleotide des Gens bei einem Mapping-Qualitätsfaktor von >20 (MQ>20) nicht abgedeckt sind
- die Sensitivität der Diagnostik zur Erkennung von Varianten mit genannten Testeinschränkungen ist möglicherweise begrenzt bei:
- Gen-Konversionen
- komplexe Inversionen
- Balancierte Translokationen
- Mitochondriale Varianten
- Repeat-Expansionen, sofern nicht anders dokumentiert
- nicht kodierende Varianten, die Krankheiten verursachen, die von diesem Panel nicht mit abgedeckt werden
- niedriger Mosaik-Status
- Repeat-Blöcke von Mononukleotiden
- Indels >50bp (Insertionen-Deletionen)
- Deletionen oder Duplikationen einzelner Exons
- Varianten innerhalb von Pseudogenen
- die analytische Sensitivität kann geringer ausfallen werden, wenn die DNA nicht von amedes genetics extrahiert wurde
Laboratory requirement
Die in grün gezeigten Gene sind kuratiert und werden als Gen-Panel untersucht. Eine Erweiterung des Panels (blau gezeigte Gene, jeweils ebenfalls kuratiert) kann auf Anfrage erfolgen. Sofern unter "Erweitertes Panel" ein Minuszeichen angezeigt wird, sind nur Core-/Basis-Gene verfügbar.
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