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IllnessPankreas-Karzinom - PARP-Inhibitor-Therapie


Short information

Comprehensive panel to decide on PARP inhibitor therapy for Pancreatic cancer comprising 2 guideline-curated genes

Number of loci
Loci typeCount
Accredited laboratory test
Examined sequence length
15,9 kb (Core-/Core-canditate-Genes)
- (Extended panel: incl. additional genes)
Analysis Duration
on request
Test material
  • EDTA-anticoagulated blood (3-5 ml)
Diagnostic indications




Loci panel


NameExon Length (bp)OMIM-GReferenz-Seq.Heredity
BRCA15592NM_007294.4AD, Sus

Informations about the disease

Clinical Comment

According to current studies, 2-3% of all pancreatic carcinomas are based on inherited predisposition, familial pancreatic carcinoma syndrome (FPC) accounts for about 70% of these tumors. Here ≥2 first-degree relatives must be affected, without the criteria of other tumor syndromes being fulfilled. So far, the most frequently identified FPC gene defects are germline mutations in the BRCA2 gene, which, however, are found in only about 6% of all FPC families. In addition to the risk for FPC, patients with BRCA1/2 germline mutations also show a better response to therapy. In the randomized Phase 3 POLO (Pancreas Cancer Olaparib Ongoing) trial, maintenance treatment with olaparib significantly delayed disease progression in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer and BRCA1/2 mutation (1), from 3.8 months (placebo) to 7.4 months (olaparib).

Reference: (1) https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMoa1903387


  • Alias: Behandlung mit Olaparib
  • Alias: Olaparib therapy
  • Pancreatic carcinoma (BRCA1, BRCA2) - Olaparib therapy
  • Pankreas-Karzinom (BRCA1, BRCA2); Therapie
Heredity, heredity patterns etc.
  • AD
  • Sus
  • Multiple OMIM-Ps
ICD10 Code

Bioinformatics and clinical interpretation

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