Klinische FragestellungFGFR-Kraniosynostose-Syndrom, Differentialdiagnose
Umfassendes differentialdiagnostisches panel für FGFR-Kraniosynostose-Syndrom mit zusammen genommen 17 kuratierten Genen gemäß klinischer Verdachtsdiagnose
Anzahl Loci
Loci-Typ | Anzahl |
Gen | 17 |
Untersuchte Sequenzlänge
9,1 kb (Core-/Core-canditate-Gene)
39,8 kb (Erweitertes Panel: inkl. additional genes)
39,8 kb (Erweitertes Panel: inkl. additional genes)
auf Anfrage
- EDTA-Blut (3-5 ml)
Diagnostische Hinweise
Name | Exon-Länge (bp) | OMIM-G | Referenz-Seq. | Erbgang |
EFNB1 | 1041 | NM_004429.5 | XL | |
FGFR1 | 2469 | NM_023110.3 | AD | |
FGFR2 | 2466 | NM_000141.5 | AD | |
FGFR3 | 2421 | NM_000142.5 | AD | |
TWIST1 | 609 | NM_000474.4 | AD | |
CD96 | 1710 | NM_198196.3 | AD | |
ERF | 1647 | NM_006494.4 | AD | |
FLNA | 7920 | NM_001456.4 | XL | |
GLI3 | 4743 | NM_000168.6 | AD | |
MSX2 | 804 | NM_002449.5 | AD | |
POR | 2043 | NM_001395413.1 | AR | |
RAB23 | 714 | NM_183227.3 | AR | |
RECQL4 | 3628 | NM_004260.4 | AR | |
SKI | 2187 | NM_003036.4 | AD | |
TCF12 | 2121 | NM_207036.2 | AD | |
TGFBR1 | 1512 | NM_004612.4 | AD | |
TGFBR2 | 1704 | NM_003242.6 | AD |
Infos zur Erkrankung
Klinischer Kommentar
- Alias: Koronarnaht-Synostose
- Allelic: Achondroplasia (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Bladder cancer, somatic (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Brachydactyly, type A1 (IHH)
- Allelic: CATSHL syndrome (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Cardiac valvular dysplasia, XL (FLNA)
- Allelic: Cervical cancer, somatic (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Chitayat syndrome [respiratory distress, facial dysmorphism, digital anomalies] (ERF)
- Allelic: Colorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 6 (TGFBR2)
- Allelic: Colorectal cancer, somatic (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Congenital short bowel syndrome (FLNA)
- Allelic: Disordered steroidogenesis due to cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR)
- Allelic: Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis, somatic mosaic (FGFR1)
- Allelic: Esophageal cancer, somatic (TGFBR2)
- Allelic: FG syndrome 2 (FLNA)
- Allelic: Frontometaphyseal dysplasia 1 (FLNA)
- Allelic: Heterotopia, periventricular, 1 (FLNA)
- Allelic: Hypochondroplasia (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2 with/_out anosmia (FGFR1)
- Allelic: Intestinal pseudoobstruction, neuronal (FLNA)
- Allelic: Melnick-Needles syndrome (FLNA)
- Allelic: Multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma, susceptibility to (TGFBR1)
- Allelic: Nevus, epidermal, somatic (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Pallister-Hall syndrome (GLI3)
- Allelic: Parietal foramina 1 (MSX2)
- Allelic: Parietal foramina with cleidocranial dysplasia (MSX2)
- Allelic: Polydactyly, postaxial, types A1 + B (GLI3)
- Allelic: Polydactyly, preaxial, type IV (GLI3)
- Allelic: RAPADILINO syndrome (RECQL4)
- Allelic: Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, type 2 (RECQL4)
- Allelic: SADDAN [severe achondroplasia with developmental delay + acanthosis nigricans] (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Spermatocytic seminoma, somatic (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Terminal osseous dysplasia (FLNA)
- Allelic: Thanatophoric dysplasia, type I (FGFR3)
- Allelic: Thanatophoric dysplasia, type II (FGFR3)
- Acampomelic campomelic dysplasia (SOX9)
- Acrocapitofemoral dysplasia (IHH)
- Antley-Bixler syndrome with genital anomalies + disordered steroidogenesis (POR)
- Antley-Bixler syndrome without genital anomalies or disordered steroidogenesis (FGFR2)
- Apert syndrome (FGFR2)
- Baller-Gerold syndrome (RECQL4)
- Beare-Stevenson cutis gyrata syndrome (FGFR2)
- Bent bone dysplasia syndrome (FGFR2)
- C syndrome [Opitz trigonocephaly syndrome] (CD96)
- Campomelic dysplasia (SOX9)
- Campomelic dysplasia with autosomal sex reversal (SOX9)
- Carpenter syndrome [Acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II] (RAB23)
- Craniofacial-skeletal-dermatologic dysplasia (FGFR2)
- Craniofrontonasal dysplasia (EFNB1)
- Craniosynostosis 1 (TWIST1)
- Craniosynostosis 2 (MSX2)
- Craniosynostosis 3 (TCF12)
- Craniosynostosis 4 (ERF)
- Craniosynostosis, nonspecific (FGFR2)
- Crouzon syndrome (FGFR2)
- Crouzon syndrome with acanthosis nigricans (FGFR3)
- Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome (GLI3)
- Hartsfield syndrome (FGFR1)
- Jackson-Weiss syndrome (FGFR1, FGFR2)
- LADD syndrome (FGFR2, FGFR3)
- Loeys-Dietz syndrome 1 (TGFBR1)
- Loeys-Dietz syndrome 2 (TGFBR2)
- Muenke syndrome (FGFR3)
- Osteoglophonic dysplasia (FGFR1)
- Otopalatodigital syndrome, type I (FLNA)
- Otopalatodigital syndrome, type II (FLNA)
- Pfeiffer syndrome (FGFR1, FGFR2)
- Robinow-Sorauf syndrome (TWIST1)
- Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (FGFR2)
- Saethre-Chotzen syndrome with/-out eyelid anomalies (TWIST1)
- Scaphocephaly + Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly (FGFR2)
- Scaphocephaly, maxillary retrusion + mental retardation (FGFR2)
- Shprintzen-Goldberg [craniosynostosis] syndrome (SKI)
- Sweeney-Cox s. [facial dysost., cleft palate/velopharyngeal insuff., low-set cupped ears] (TWIST1)
- Trigonocephaly 1 (FGFR1)
Erbgänge, Vererbungsmuster etc.
- AD
- AR
- XL
- Multiple OMIM-Ps
ICD10 Code
Bioinformatik und klinische Interpretation
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