Klinische FragestellungKanal-Erkrankungen, Gehirn; Differentialdiagnose
Umfassendes differentialdiagnostisches panel für Kanal-Erkrankungen im Gehirn mit 24 bzw. 25 kuratierten Genen gemäß klinischer Verdachtsdiagnose
Anzahl Loci
Locus-Typ | Anzahl |
Gen | 23 |
Untersuchte Sequenzlänge
3,8 kb (Core-/Core-canditate-Gene)
61,5 kb (Erweitertes Panel: inkl. additional genes)
61,5 kb (Erweitertes Panel: inkl. additional genes)
auf Anfrage
- EDTA-Blut (3-5 ml)
Diagnostische Hinweise
Name | Exon-Länge (bp) | OMIM-G | Referenz-Seq. | Erbgang |
ADCY5 | 3786 | NM_183357.3 | AD | |
ATN1 | 3573 | NM_001007026.2 | AD | |
ATP1A2 | 3063 | NM_000702.4 | AD | |
ATP1A3 | 3042 | NM_152296.5 | AD | |
ATP7B | 4398 | NM_000053.4 | AR | |
CACNA1A | 6786 | NM_001127221.2 | AD | |
CACNB4 | 1563 | NM_000726.5 | AD | |
GLRA1 | 1350 | NM_000171.4 | AD, AR | |
GLRB | 1494 | NM_000824.5 | AR | |
KCNA1 | 1488 | NM_000217.3 | AD | |
KCNJ2 | 1284 | NM_000891.3 | AD | |
KCNK18 | 1155 | NM_181840.1 | AD | |
KCNMA1 | 3537 | NM_002247.4 | AD, AR | |
KCNQ2 | 2619 | NM_172107.4 | AD | |
KCNQ3 | 2619 | NM_004519.4 | AD | |
PNKD | 429 | NM_015488.5 | AD | |
PRRT2 | 1023 | NM_145239.3 | AD | |
SCN1A | 6030 | NM_001165963.4 | AD | |
SCN8A | 5943 | NM_014191.4 | AD | |
SLC1A3 | 1629 | NM_004172.5 | AD | |
SLC2A1 | 1479 | NM_006516.4 | AD, AR | |
SLC6A5 | 2394 | NM_004211.5 | AD, AR | |
SPR | 786 | NM_003124.5 | AR, AD |
Infos zur Erkrankung
Klinischer Kommentar
Episodische Störungen oft mit Ataxie (Gehprobleme, zusätzliche Bewegungen, steife Beine, Schwäche, Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit) für Minuten/ Stunden; Dystonie, manchmal über längere Zeit; verschiedene Attacken (Arme/Beine); Migräne; Dysarthrie; primärer Kopfschmerz als hemiplegische Migräne oder Cluster-Kopfschmerz; Ausschluss von Tumoren, Bandscheiben, demyelinisierenden Ursachen; AD, AR oder XL; Medikamente (Lamotrigin, Acetazolamid) oft wirksam
- Alias: Brain channelopathy
- Allelic: Atrial fibrillation, familial, 9 (KCNJ2)
- Allelic: Parkinson disease, susceptibility to (TBP)
- Allelic: Short QT syndrome 3 (KCNJ2)
- Alternating hemiplegia of childhood 1 (ATP1A2)
- Alternating hemiplegia of childhood 2 (ATP1A3)
- Andersen syndrome (KCNJ2)
- CAPOS syndrome (ATP1A3)
- Cerebellar atrophy, developmental delay, seizures (KCNMA1)
- Cognitive impairment with/-out cerebellar ataxia (SCN8A)
- Congenital hypotonia, epilepsy, developmental delay, digital anomalies (ATN1)
- Convulsions, familial infantile, with paroxysmal choreoathetosis (PRRT2)
- Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (ATN1_CAG)
- Developmental + epileptic encephalopathy 13 (SCN8A)
- Developmental + epileptic encephalopathy 42 (CACNA1A)
- Developmental + epileptic encephalopathy 7 (KCNQ2)
- Dravet syndrome (SCN1A)
- Dyskinesia, familial, with facial myokymia (ADCY5)
- Dystonia 9 (SLC2A1)
- Dystonia, dopa-responsive, due to sepiapterin reductase deficiency (SPR)
- Dystonia-12 (ATP1A3)
- Epilepsy, generalized, with febrile seizures plus, type 2 (SCN1A)
- Epilepsy, idiopathic generalized, susceptibility to, 12 (SLC2A1)
- Epilepsy, idiopathic generalized, susceptibility to, 16 (KCNMA1)
- Epilepsy, idiopathic generalized, susceptibility to, 9 (CACNB4)
- Epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic, susceptibility to, 6 (CACNB4)
- Epilepsy, progressive myoclonic 1A [Unverricht + Lundborg] (CSTB_CCCCGCCCCGCG)
- Episodic ataxia, type 2 (CACNA1A)
- Episodic ataxia, type 5 (CACNB4)
- Episodic ataxia, type 6 (SLC1A3)
- Episodic ataxia/myokymia syndrome (KCNA1)
- Episodic kinesigenic dyskinesia 1 (PRRT2)
- Febrile seizures, familial, 3A (SCN1A)
- GLUT1 deficiency syndrome 1, infantile onset, severe (SLC2A1)
- GLUT1 deficiency syndrome 2, childhood onset (SLC2A1)
- Hyperekplexia 1 (GLRA1)
- Hyperekplexia 2 (GLRB)
- Hyperekplexia 3 (SLC6A5)
- Liang-Wang syndrome (KCNMA1)
- Migraine, familial basilar (ATP1A2)
- Migraine, familial hemiplegic, 1 (CACNA1A)
- Migraine, familial hemiplegic, 1, with progressive cerebellar ataxia (CACNA1A)
- Migraine, familial hemiplegic, 2 (ATP1A2)
- Migraine, familial hemiplegic, 3 (SCN1A)
- Myoclonus, familial, 2 (SCN8A)
- Myokymia (KCNQ2)
- Parkinson disease, susceptibility to (TBP)
- Paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia 1 (PNKD)
- Paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia, 3, with/-out generalized epilepsy (KCNMA1)
- Seizures, benign familial infantile, 2 (PRRT2)
- Seizures, benign familial infantile, 5 (SCN8A)
- Seizures, benign neonatal, 1 (KCNQ2)
- Seizures, benign neonatal, 2 (KCNQ3)
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 17 (TBP_CAG)
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 6 (CACNA1A_CAG)
- Stomatin-deficient cryohydrocytosis with neurologic defects (SLC2A1)
- Wilson disease (ATP7B)
Erbgänge, Vererbungsmuster etc.
- AD
- AR
- Multiple OMIM-Ps
ICD10 Code
Bioinformatik und klinische Interpretation
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