Klinische FragestellungKatarakt, kongenital; Differentialdiagnose
Ein umfassendes panel für Katarakt, kongenital, Differentialdiagnose [zumeist nicht-syndromisch] mit 15 kuratierten "core candidate"-Genen und insgesamt 50 ikuratierten Genen
83,2 kb (Erweitertes Panel: inkl. additional genes)
- EDTA-Blut (3-5 ml)
Ausgewählte Gene
Name | Exon-Länge (bp) | OMIM-G | Referenz-Seq. | Erbgang |
BFSP1 | 1998 | NM_001195.5 | AD, AR | |
BFSP2 | 1248 | NM_003571.4 | AD | |
CRYAA | 522 | NM_000394.4 | AD, AR | |
CRYAB | 528 | NM_001885.3 | AD, AR | |
CRYBA1 | 648 | NM_005208.5 | AD | |
CRYBB1 | 759 | NM_001887.4 | AD, AR | |
CRYBB2 | 618 | NM_000496.3 | AD | |
CRYBB3 | 636 | NM_004076.5 | AD, AR | |
CRYGC | 525 | NM_020989.4 | AD | |
CRYGD | 525 | NM_006891.4 | AD | |
FOXE3 | 960 | NM_012186.3 | AD, AR | |
GJA3 | 1308 | NM_021954.4 | AD | |
GJA8 | 1302 | NM_005267.5 | AD | |
HSF4 | 1389 | NM_001538.4 | AD | |
PITX3 | 909 | NM_005029.4 | AD, AR | |
AGK | 1269 | NM_018238.4 | AR | |
BMP4 | 1227 | NM_001202.6 | AD | |
CDK9 | 1126 | NM_001261.4 | AR | |
COL4A1 | 5010 | NM_001845.6 | AD | |
CRYBA4 | 591 | NM_001886.3 | AD | |
CRYGB | 528 | NM_005210.4 | AD | |
CRYGS | 537 | NM_017541.4 | AD | |
CTDP1 | 2529 | NM_004715.5 | AR | |
DNMBP | 6032 | NM_015221.4 | AR | |
EPHA2 | 2931 | NM_004431.5 | AD | |
EYA1 | 1779 | NM_000503.6 | AD | |
FTL | 528 | NM_000146.4 | AD | |
FYCO1 | 4437 | NM_024513.4 | AR | |
GCNT2 | 1203 | NM_001491.3 | AR | |
GFER | 618 | NM_005262.3 | AR | |
HYCC1 | 1566 | NM_032581.4 | AR | |
INPP5K | 1119 | NM_016532.4 | AR | |
JAM3 | 780 | NM_001205329.2 | AR | |
LIM2 | 648 | NM_030657.4 | AR | |
LSS | 2303 | NM_001001438.3 | AR | |
MAF | 1212 | NM_005360.5 | AD | |
MIP | 792 | NM_012064.4 | AD | |
MSMO1 | 489 | NM_001017369.3 | AR | |
NECTIN3 | 1101 | NM_001243286.2 | n.k. | |
NHS | 4425 | NM_001136024.4 | XL | |
PANK4 | 2378 | NM_018216.4 | AD | |
PAX6 | 1269 | NM_000280.5 | AD | |
PGRMC1 | 588 | NM_006667.5 | XLR | |
PXDN | 4440 | NM_012293.3 | AR | |
SIL1 | 1386 | NM_022464.5 | AR | |
SIPA1L3 | 5366 | NM_015073.3 | AD, AR | |
SLC33A1 | 1650 | NM_004733.4 | AR | |
TDRD7 | 3297 | NM_014290.3 | AR | |
VIM | 1401 | NM_003380.5 | AD | |
WFS1 | 2673 | NM_006005.3 | AD, AR |
Infos zur Erkrankung
Eine erblich bedingte kongenitale Katarakt kann isoliert (70%), zusammen mit anderen okulären teils komplexen Anomalien (15%) oder als Teil eines Syndroms (15%) im Rahmen eines breiten Spektrums von Erkrankungen auftreten. Die letztgenannten 15% der Fälle weisen systemische Merkmale auf, so dass eine gründliche perinatale und pädiatrische Betreuung unerlässlich ist, um Komorbiditäten zu minimieren. Bei einigen Stoffwechselkrankheiten kann eine angeborene Katarakt das erste Anzeichen sein, weshalb eine rasche Diagnose wichtig ist, zumal wenn Behandlungs-Optionen zur Verfügung stehen. Routinemäßige Gentests sind für das vollständige klinische Management der Patienten unerlässlich, wobei die Analyse vieler Gene mittels next generation sequencing die Diagnose nachweislich beschleunigt. Pathogene Varianten in Genen betreffen Linsen-spezifische Proteine oder solche, die die Augenentwicklung regulieren, und führen so u.a. auch zu anderen assoziierten Augen-Anomalien. In den meisten Fällen von bilateralem Katarakt (≤77 %) kann eine ursächliche Genmutation identifiziert werden, wobei autosomal-dominanter Erbgang in knapp der Hälfte der Fälle am häufigsten ist. Ein negatives Ergebnis der molekulargenetischen Tests schließt die ophthalmologische Diagnose jedoch nicht aus.
Referenz: Hum Mutat. 2021 Sep;42(9):1173-1183. doi: 10.1002/humu.24240.
- Alias: Cataract, congenital
- Allelic: Adult i phenotype without cataract (GCNT2)
- Allelic: Ayme-Gripp syndrome (MAF)
- Allelic: Branchiootic syndrome 1 (EYA1)
- Allelic: Branchiootorenal syndrome 1, +/- cataracts (EYA1)
- Allelic: Deafness, AD (WFS1)
- Allelic: Isolated paediatric cataract [panelapp] (PGRMC1)
- Allelic: Leukodystrophy, hypomyelinating, 5 (HYCC1)
- Allelic: Nance-Horan syndrome (NHS)
- Allelic: Orofacial cleft 11 (BMP4)
- Allelic: Sengers syndrome (AGK)
- Allelic: Spastic paraplegia 42, AD (SLC33A1)
- Allelic: Wolfram syndrome 1 (WFS1)
- Allelic: Wolfram-like syndrome, AD (WFS1)
- Anterior segment anomalies +/- cataract (EYA1)
- Anterior segment dysgenesis 1, multiple subtypes (PITX3)
- Anterior segment dysgenesis 2, multiple subtypes (FOXE3)
- Anterior segment dysgenesis 5, multiple subtypes (PAX6)
- Anterior segment dysgenesis 7, with sclerocornea (PXDN)
- Brain small vessel disease +/- ocular anomalies (COL4A1)
- Cataract 1, multiple types (GJA8)
- Cataract 10, multiple types (CRYBA1)
- Cataract 11, multiple types (PITX3)
- Cataract 11, syndromic, AR (PITX3)
- Cataract 12, multiple types (BFSP2)
- Cataract 13 with adult i phenotype (GCNT2)
- Cataract 14, multiple types (GJA3)
- Cataract 15, multiple types (MIP)
- Cataract 16, multiple types (CRYAB)
- Cataract 17, multiple types (CRYBB1)
- Cataract 18, AR (FYCO1)
- Cataract 19, multiple types (LIM2)
- Cataract 2, multiple types (CRYGC)
- Cataract 20, multiple types (CRYGS)
- Cataract 21, multiple types (MAF)
- Cataract 22 (CRYBB3)
- Cataract 23 (CRYBA4)
- Cataract 3, multiple types (CRYBB2)
- Cataract 30, pulverulent (VIM)
- Cataract 33, multiple types (BFSP1)
- Cataract 34, multiple types (FOXE32)
- Cataract 36 (TDRD7)
- Cataract 38, AR (AGK)
- Cataract 39, multiple types, AD (CRYGB)
- Cataract 4, multiple types (CRYGD)
- Cataract 40, XL (NHS)
- Cataract 41 (WFS1)
- Cataract 48 (DNMBP1)
- Cataract 49 (PANK4)
- Cataract 5, multiple types (HSF4)
- Cataract 6, multiple types (EPHA2)
- Cataract 9, multiple types (CRYAA)
- Cataract [MONDO:0005129, panelapp] (PGRMC1)
- Cataract with late-onset corneal dystrophy (PAX6)
- Cataract, congenital [panelapp] (CDK9)
- Cataracts [panelapp] (NECTIN3)
- Congenital cataracts, facial dysmorphism, neuropathy (CTDP1)
- Congenital cataracts, hearing loss, neurodegeneration (SLC33A1)
- Congenital muscular dystrophy overlapping Marinesco-Sjogren s. + dystroglycanopathy (INPP5K)
- Hemorrhagic destruction of the brain, subependymal calcification + cataracts (JAM3)
- Hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome (FTL)
- Hypomyelination + congenital cataract [panelapp] (HYCC1)
- Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome (SIL1)
- Microcephaly, congenital cataract, psoriasiform dermatitis (MSMO1)
- Microphthalmia, syndromic 6 (BMP4)
- Muscular dystrophy, congenital, cataracts; intellectual disability (INPP5K)
- Myopathy, mitochondrial progressive, congenital cataract, developmental delay (GFER)
- AD
- AR
- XL
- n.k.
- Multiple OMIM-Ps
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